The Luxury Collection
Fashion | Automotive | Travel | Gastronomy | Automotive

Ms Uzma Irfan
Editor in Chief & Director,
Prestige Group
If the English love their summer and wax poetic about it, in India, it is the monsoon that forms our muse. As the heavens begin to open up and shower us with their blessing, I am reminded of what the late great Bob Marley said: “Some people feel the rain. Other just get wet.”
Rain is a much loved part of our lives in India; we float paper boats with the aplomb of a Nelson in the impromptu rivulets that it forms and splash through puddles with abandon. When the rain stops and the sun peeps through, the air is clearer, the leaves are greener, the flowers are bright and shinier, and we learn to love and be thankful for God’s great creation all over again.
This creation and the need, nay, responsibility to preserve it for posterity forms a key theme in this issue of The Luxury Collection. We discuss clean and green automotive technologies such as luxury electric cars and bikes, which are gradually but surely supplanting fossil fuel based vehicles, as well as sustainability in art and fashion.
Needless to say, the season itself is dealt with in our usual fashion with tips and tricks to keep yourself looking at the top of your form through the wet monsoon days.
I, personally, am also thrilled to introduce you to the second volume of Duniya-e-Ziyafat, the culinary labour of love of my mother Badrunnisa Irfan. You can read more about it in the pages ahead and also order your copy. On that appetising note, let me leave you to browse through your favourite barometer of luxury.
Happy reading!
Luxury is something that brings you contentment, external comfort and internal peace, and with The Luxury Collection, you can find the same. Whether it be the latest in the world of luxury or the essence of a luxurious life, you can find everything here in your very own magazine –The Luxury Collection.
Formerly known as The Collection Magazine, it is a collection of the most premium from the world of the elite, curated for your convenience. The Luxury Collection is above your regular lifestyle magazine that caters to a niche of luxury cognoscente. One of India’s leading luxury lifestyle magazines circulated across the globe, The Luxury Collection is all about Luxury Retail, Luxury Travel Destinations, Gourmet Food & Wine, Exclusive Art, International Events and everything latest on the luxury lounge.

You are one step away from being a connoisseur of Luxury!
Conceptualised back in 2009, to bring together the premium collections of the select brands housed at India’s first Luxury Mall – The Luxury Collection @ UB City, The Luxury Collection has grown to become a standalone magazine for those that seek an insight into the life of the elite. You can find a copy of The Luxury Collection across multiple luxury hotels, yacht clubs & lounges, and Airport lounges, both in India and overseas.
The Luxury Collection is a premium magazine that is now available for your consumption, both online and otherwise. You can subscribe to the online version, or take a subscription of the premium magazine, that you can receive at your doorstep. To be up-to-date with everything in the world of class and elegance, Book your copy of the quarterly magazine The Luxury Collection today!
Editorial Team

Uzma Irfan
Editor in Chief & Director,
Prestige Group

Zaid Sadiq
Editor in Chief & Director,
Prestige Group

Pooja Subbaiah
Brand Manager,
Prestige Group
Sales & Marketing

Fahad Ahmed
+91 88610 03654

Sanjay Jariwal
+91 99002 39492
Production Team
Zaiba Jahan
Akshaya S
GAAP Communications
Gopalakrishna DamodarPramodh Naidu
Nikhil Reddy
Loraine Fernandes